The Permanent Conference on Vital Energy, Syntropy and Resonance provides a platform for sharing works, insights and knowledge in scientific, humanistic and artistic fields.


To participate send a paper to, if relevant to the topic of vital energy it will be published in the Syntropy Journal and in the anthology available at the end of the year at printing cost.


Authors retain the copyright and at any time they can request the removal of their videos and documents (even from the anthology). Participation is totally free.






Presentation of the Permanent Conference on Life Energy, Syntropy and Resonance

Paper, Video


Ulisse Di Corpo

Life Energy and Syntropy

Paper, Video


Antonella Vannini

Experiments on Life Energy and Retrocausality

Paper, Video


José Dìez Faixat

Entropic-Syntropic Evolution

Paper, Video


Ayten Aydin

Cybernetics and mutual causality in living systems the self-organizing loop



Maurizio Paolella

Homeopathy and Vital Energy

Paper, Video





Alexander Trofimov

Kozyrev’s Mirrors as Global Cosmic Resonator for Earth’s Bio-noosphere

Paper, Video


William Schnack

Reversing the Thermoeconomic Arrow of Time

Paper, Video


Maurizia Mancini

Traces of Syntropy in the practices that lead to Happiness

Paper, Video


John F. Caddy

A Discussion on Dowsing Theory and Practice

Paper, Video